Uz Jp

Navrouz holiday marked in Spain

March 29, 2012

Navrouz holiday marked in Spain

Hotel Intercontinental in Madrid on March 29 hosted a reception to celebrate Navrouz holiday and 20 years since diplomatic ties between Uzbekistan and Spain were established. Also, a photo exhibition along with an information stand was mounted by the Fund Forum Representative Office in Madrid.

Over 200 people representing the political and economic communities and general public as well as heads of diplomatic missions and international organizations attended the Madrid event.

Upon completion of the official part of the celebration those gathered spread out to view the photoexhibition organized with support from the Fund Forum. The exhibition focused on the political and economic section of the relationships between the two countries while demonstrating crucial phases in the development of cultural component of the bilateral ties.

Navrouz holiday marked in Spain Navrouz holiday marked in Spain

The highlights of the exhibition included images of various international celebrities such as singer Julio Iglesias, opera stars Jose Carreras and Montserrat Caballe, football star Cristiano Ronaldo and fashion designer Fernando Lemoniez who had attended events organized by the Fund Forum in Tashkent, namely Style.Uz Art Week and Tashkent International Cinema Forum among others.

The event also focused on a series of collaborative projects run by the Fund Forum and Spanish partners such as an international conference of teachers of Spanish scheduled for April 4-5 in Tashkent. The conference being organized in partnership with the European Association of Teachers of Spanish (AEPE) will be attended by around 40 international Spanish language teachers from schools and universities in Spain, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, France and Taiwan along with local specialists.

Navrouz holiday marked in Spain Navrouz holiday marked in Spain

Those gathered were presented with various materials about the far-reaching activities of the Fund Forum and its affiliates such as the Women’s Council, the Social Initiatives Support Fund, the Center for Political Studies and Mehr nuri Public Foundation.

The two halls of the venue were designed with Uzbek motifs. After the welcome speeches the guests were treated to traditional meals such as sumalak and pilaf while the event itself was imbued with authentic Uzbek hospitality.

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